5 Supplements For Travel

By Sierra Goncharoff, ND
Chair of External Affairs

NWB Board Member, Dr. Sierra Goncharoff received her Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine in 2019 from the National University of Natural Medicine. She is now completing her second year of residency at NUNM in Portland, OR. She has a strong passion for global health and providing medical care to underserved communities. 

You can follow Dr. Goncharoff  on Instagram @doctorgnd or visit her website: www.doctorgnd.com.

Opinions expressed in this article are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of Naturopaths Without Borders.

5 Supplements for travel

While travel has been limited this last year, I can’t help but daydream about when I can hop on a plane again and fly to a new destination. Now I like to pack pretty light, but there are some things, like my supplements, that I will always have room for. You never know what might happen on a trip, and you may not have access to all the things you need. I bring these five supplements with me on all of my trips, as you can never be too prepared.

1. Ginger

The most important of all supplements for me during travel is ginger. Whether it is the flight to your destination, a long car ride, or a meal that just didn’t sit right, nausea is one of the most common things I experience while traveling. Ginger is great for soothing nausea but is also good for digestion and immune support. There are ginger pills, but my personal favorite are Gin-Gin’s, little spicy ginger candies that are super travel friendly. I even handed them out to people on my last boat ride in Thailand, as some people were looking a bit seasick. Why not share the wealth!

2. Probiotics

Traveling does a number to the digestive system. Different eating and sleeping patterns, plus all the stress that comes with travel, can disrupt your gut microbiome causing all sorts of gastrointestinal distress. Probiotics are a travel essential for maintaining healthy gut bacteria and keeping your system in balance. While most probiotics require refrigeration, there are several products that are shelf stable, like these Probiotic Pearls by Integrative Therapeutics, that are great for travel.

3. Digestive Enzymes

Continuing with the gut support, digestive enzymes are another one of my essential travel supplements. When traveling, you are often trying new foods that you may not be accustomed to. Digestive enzymes can help your body digest unfamiliar foods, improve digestion and avoid intestinal distress. If you can find a digestive enzyme supplement that also has soothing gut herbs, like Similase Sensitive Stomach by Integrative Therapeutics, even better!

4. Elderberry Syrup

Your immune system can take a hit when you travel. I’m sure many of you have experienced this, where you go on a beautiful vacation, and right after you return you come down with a cold. There are a lot of things you can do to support your immune system, but one of my favorites is elderberry syrup. There are many good brands on the market, but one of my favorites is this syrup by Wise Woman Herbals. This herbal mixture is packed full of antioxidants giving it it’s antiviral properties, plus it’s under the 3 oz liquid restriction implemented by airlines. Taking a teaspoon a day while traveling can give your immune system just the boost it needs.

5. Electrolytes

Staying hydrated is one of the most important aspects of staying healthy during travel. Planes themselves are incredibly drying, and you may not have access to drinkable water as much as you usually do. While water is essential, I also like to travel with electrolytes. Common electrolytes include calcium, sodium, chloride, potassium, and magnesium. These are good for repletion of fluids, especially if you have been exposed to significant heat, sweating, or have been ill with vomiting or diarrhea. One of my favorite electrolyte powders is Electrolyte Supreme from Jigsaw Health, who have donated HUNDREDS of jars!

Always be sure your supplements are clearly labeled to avoid any trouble with customs, and remember to keep any containers of liquid to no more than three ounces. The next time you travel, make sure your supplements are stocked up and you'll be prepared for anything! Not only will you be more comfortable, but you will be your travel buddy’s best resource. While your individual needs may vary from my list, use this as a good starting place when stocking up your travel kit.  Whether you're an experienced traveler or just starting out, these simple tips will help you stay healthy and happy while you enjoy your adventures!